75 hard - unbig your back

In this current climate, let’s face it: fitness is the in thing now. From running clubs to the gym to paddle, being short of options to work out and get your heart racing is kind of out of the question.

Recently, I embarked on the 75 Hard challenge. For those of you who don’t know what it is, here are the rules for you guessed it….75 days:

  1. Follow a diet (eating completely clean, no junk or cheat days). You can still eat out, but you must choose the healthy option.

  2. Complete two 45-minute workouts, one of which must be outdoors.

  3. Take a progress picture.

  4. Drink 1 gallon of water.

  5. Read 10 pages of a book (audiobooks not included).

Photo on the left: 167lb (taken on April 1st 2024)

Photo on the right: 154lb (taken on June 15th 2024)

Created in 2019 by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, it is known as a mentally transformative program, and boy, was it just that. Fitting this around work and my general day-to-day was NOT easy, but after two weeks, it really does become your normal way of living. You feel yourself becoming fitter and stronger in a very short space of time. It almost makes you question what you have been doing in your fitness journey thus far.

The challenge also highlights how distracted you can be from your goals and how disconnected you can be from simple things. Reading 10 pages a day was freeing and took me back to the reading challenges as a young girl during the summer holidays.

Physically, this is the best shape of my life, and I managed to lose 13 pounds in the process (nearly a stone). It is a great detoxification process (with the amount of water you have to drink). You will take yourself to the next level.

In my opinion, fitness is not an extra; it is a must. Health and wellness should be a top priority because if you take away your health, you have nothing.

I once heard a saying: "Don’t negotiate with yourself," and it is true. Once you prioritize yourself, everything else falls into place. Call it delusional, but every area of your life improves when you take care of and prioritize yourself. With that being said, here are my three top tips for completing the 75 Hard challenge:

  1. Have someone to hold you accountable (when you are tempted to cheat yourself, they can remind you of the bigger goal).

  2. Organize yourself as best as you can (lay out a nice gym set the night before, meal prep, read your 10 pages on your commute to work).

  3. Don’t be too hard on yourself; it is a huge commitment and very drastic on your body. Although, quick disclaimer: if you fall short on any of the days, you have to start again (don’t shoot the messenger).

75 Hard is a phenomenal way to set yourself up for a new lifestyle and enhanced fitness experience. Let me know how you get on, and I will see you on the other side.


A glass of green