Gratitude is a must

Everyone has that friend. The friend who remains positive and upbeat no matter the situation or circumstance.

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend on how she maintains this attitude, she simply said gratitude. She focuses on appreciating the small things, simple enough right? Easy to do, no?

With a microwave society, instant gratification and comparison. It can be easy to over look the small blessings we have in our lives. More is given to us when more is appreciated.

In this message, I challenge you to take a few moments of your day to take note of anything that you are grateful for, it could be for the mere fact that…

  • Your parent(s) are still in your life,

  • You have a job (love it or hate it) that allows you to bring in an income

  • Your are healthy (many people are in and out of hospital)

  • You have a home

  • You have food to eat and clean water

It is something that I have been actively trying to incorporate into my everyday and it really has helped to boost my everyday mood.

I recently purchased a 30 day gratitude journal that guides and streamlines your days to focus on specific areas to be grateful for. The Amazon link can be found here: Gratitude Journal

Being thankful for all you have overcome, all that you have and the future blessings that are on the way.




A Day on My Plate: From Breakfast to Dinner