A Day on My Plate: From Breakfast to Dinner

Eating the right meals and tracking my calories has really aided my weight loss. I highly recommend using MyFitnessPal for this. It can be long-winded and tedious, but no pain, no gain, right? It also helps track how much protein, carbohydrates, and fats you intake daily (you will be SO surprised how many calories and components are in food).

Another thing to remember is portion control! I weighed my food when I could, especially when it came to eating carbohydrates. I am by no means a PT or nutritionist, so measurements and specific calorie intake is subjective to the individual….howeverrrrrr…

Here’s a few options/ideas for a typical eating day (subject to availability… literally):


I have only recently become a breakfast enthusiast, but as an early gym goer, it is really important to fuel myself with energy before and after my workout.

Option 1 Pre-breakfast: Banana

Option 2 Pre-breakfast: High - protein overnight weetabix (Recipe by @georgiaself on TikTok)

Option 1 Post-breakfast: 2 slices of toasted brown bread, mashed avocado, and 2 scrambled eggs

Option 2 Post-breakfast: Homemade protein shake (Recipe by @Alyssa on TikTok)


Option 1: High-protein minced pasta (Recipe by Jalalsmith on TikTok)

Option 2: High-protein chicken fried rice (Recipe by Zoecrates on TikTok)


Option 1: Chicken & Mediterranean vegetables

Option 2: Steak & broccoli (cooked to your preference)

Now for the very important information: what about the snacks and drinks?


  • Grapes (Red or Black) or any other fruit

  • Pistachio nuts

  • High-protein yogurts (normally Vanilla rice is the best!)

  • Blueberry & oat bowl


  • Water

  • Juice or a mocktail when going out

  • No alcohol (there are A LOT of calories in alcohol, so I try to avoid it altogether or have it very minimally)

Eating clean while exercising is where I have seen the best results during my fitness journey. Going to the gym and coming back home to eat rice and stew, or whatever Mum has cooked, is convenient, but it is not going to "un-big" your back in the way that you hope. Stay focused and stay consistent, and watch yourself slip into your low-rise jeans like the bad B that you are.


Gratitude is a must


A glass of green